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Website Development Services for Accounting Businesses in NH - the Complete Guide

For Accounting businesses in New Hampshire considering either a new website development for their company or perhaps a major or minor site renovation, it's important for them/you to have a good understanding of what to expect both from a business- and developer-perspective.

For example, what do you need to know in order to not only be able to support the developer adequately, but also ensure that your site development project will be a success. How might the developer or development team prefer to work? What will their project milestones look like? Will they keep you in the loop? And when you're running or a key decision maker in a Accounting business, you'll have your own unique set of concerns and priorities.

Below is what you can expect and how you can prepare for a successful website development project.

Identify your business goals

What are the goals of your business? What are you hoping or needing to get out of your website? As an Accounting business, maybe your website goals include getting more personal clients, getting more business clients, and get phone calls or form queries for accounting service requests.

Whatever your goals may be, make sure that you've thought them through and will be able to clearly explain them to the development team that will be providing an estimate for your project.

Determine your situation

Do you have certain time or money restraints or requirements? For example, you have a fixed amount of money set aside in your budget, or your current website is expiring at the end of next month?

Depending on the severity of the restraints, it may or may not be possible for a developer to be able to build your website and build it well, so be prepared for that. But it's definitely helpful to get all of that information out on the table as soon as you can.

Compile your resources

Before you reach out for estimates, take the time to gather the assets and resources that will be needed for the website. This could include things like accounting services and supporting information, and previous or current client testimonials.

This will help you to be ready to get your project started more quickly, and may help you to identify any additional questions or comments that you may have.

Build your sitemap and consider functionalities

Similarly, think through which pages you'd like to be included on your website, and which functionalities you'd like on your site as well. Pages and functionalities for an Accounting business might include a home page, about us page, contact page, services page, examples of work, automated scheduling, and a cost estimator.

Hopefully, the developer or team putting together the estimate for you will share some additional insights and so this list might expand, but it would be good to come into the conversation having a good idea of what you will most likely desire to be included.

Gather estimates

You may be anxious to get started, but it's always a good idea to seek multiple estimates for your project. Prioritize taking your time through this project knowing that a great website can be a terrific asset to your Accounting business for years to come.

Don't just go with the cheapest option. Chances are that there's a reason why it's the cheapest. Ask questions and try to select the estimate that will provide you the best value in the long run - both in terms of upfront cost but also expected performance of the website in the long run based on what they're offering.

And be open and honest with the development team the fact that you're seeking multiple estimates. They'll appreciate your transparency and may try to make sure their proposal is more competitive.

Schedule consistent project checkins and demos

As you've seen in the steps above, a website development project involves you as well. But not just at the beginning, but during the project. Request to have weekly or biweekly (depending on the overall length of the project) checkins and possibly demos of the project. This will ensure that the project is progressing as you'd desire and any issues can and will be resolved quickly - before more time passes and the issues grow in significance.

Be prepared for this request to increase the overall cost of the project. It likely adds an hour or more per week to the development team's time. However, we think this is worth it and will actually save you time and money (and stress!) in the long run.

Thoroughly review the website

When the project is nearing completion, you'll hopefully have a chance to give the full site a review prior to going live. Make sure that you have an understanding as to the items that you'll be able to fix and manage on your own (e.g. text, images) and the process for doing that, and don't worry about the website being perfect. Websites, typically, can easily be changed at any time in a matter of minutes, so don't get consumed with typos or text edits that may end up adding time and costs to your project. Just make sure that you have a good understanding of how to fix these items yourself once the site is live. Or, if you're planning on leveraging the development team in continued support, make a list of the items that you want to fix or tweak and give that to them once the site is live and the project is complete.

Establish a plan for continued investment

Your life and your Accounting business isn't necessarily going to change for the better once the website is "live". Websites require a continual investment of time and money. But, don't get discouraged by that because we think it's well worth it.

But have a plan in mind for how you'll grow the site, and grow your business because of your website. That might involve content creation, an SEO program, digital ads, or lead management.

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