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A few technologies that we work with:



Website development

Lead generation

New development


Google advertising

Website redesign

Sales funnels



Content marketing


Landing pages


Email marketing

Artificial intelligence

ZeroToDigital doesn't believe in one-size-fits-all. Every business, budget, timeframe and scenario is unique, and so is how we handle our projects and pricing. Whether you'd like ongoing assistance or a one-time project, we can create a program that fits you!

Is managing your ecommerce website a lot of work?

Are you struggling to keep up with the demands of managing your ecommerce website? Ecommerce websites can be a lot of work and, because of that, there are many opportunities for making sales and operations processes more efficient. At ZeroToDigital, our goal is to empower you to build your business utilizing digital tools and we can do that by helping to create a powerful ecommerce website that streamlines your sales process and makes managing your online business a breeze.

With features such as intuitive navigation, easy checkout, and real-time inventory management, our custom-built ecommerce website development will help you save time and increase revenue. For traditional online stores, we typically start with a Shopify website and customize it from the top-down to fit your business. For non-traditional ecommerce and payment management, we typically build a custom site leveraging Stripe for secure payment processing.

Imagine a streamlined, ecommerce website that allows you to spend more time growing your business.

Yes, let's get started!

Are you dissatisfied with your online store?

Websites can be difficult to manage well, and ecommerce sites are even more of a challenge. Common frustrations include difficulty in creating a strong online presence and driving traffic, integrating with various payment gateways and shipping providers, delivering a personalized user experience, managing inventory and reviewing analytics.

We know first-hand how frustrating this challenges can be, that's why, at ZeroToDigital, we focus on not only the user experience of ecommerce websites, but the client's experience with managing it. Our goal is to help you grow your business, but you can't do that if you're having to spend all day trying to manage your website! That's why we work with you to help automate and optimize all operational processes related to your online store.

Let us help you automate and optimize your online store.

Don't miss out!

We have great relationships with our clients

"Tyler at ZeroToDigital makes it easy to learn about marketing and websites, and since he explains everything so well it helps us to understand how valuable they can be!"

Beth Everett The United Way

"Very pleased with the support we've received from Tyler at ZeroToDigital. He's always been great at communicating technical things in a way that empowers us to learn and grow in our understanding."

Doug Ashley Doug Ashley Realtors

"Tyler at ZeroToDigital always takes a high interest in learning about the specific needs of our business, and then recommending digital solutions that fit with our goals."

Donna Sichette Independent Can Company

"The best part about working with Tyler at ZeroToDigital is that he puts a lot of effort into understanding our business and helping us translate it to our website and other marketing materials in a very efficient way."

Humberto Hernandez Cantrell•Gainco Group

We can start supporting your business today!

Yes, I'm interested


Get answers to a few of your questions below and view our complete list of frequently asked questions.

About ZeroToDigital

What kind of marketing efforts do you specialize in?

We focus, primarily, on digital marketing and website development. That would include services such as new website development, website redesign, hosting, search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing, and more. Learn more about all of the services that we offer.

Do you have a portfolio or samples of your past client work?

Of course! You can review descriptions and screenshots of some of our recent projects. This is only a sampling, so send us an email if you'd like to ask us any specific questions about our experience.

What industries do you have experience in?

Just like every business is unique, so is every industry. Fortunately, we have some to immense experience in many industries, such as real estate, banking, insurance, law, manufacturing, tech, non-profits, consumer, retail, agriculture, government and more.

Do you work with clients who are not from New Hampshire?

Yes! We actually currently support clients who are located in Georgia, Maryland, Delaware, California, and Washington in addition to New Hampshire. While NH is our home and primary focus, we'd be interested in discussing possible projects for you, wherever you are!


Do you offer ongoing marketing contracts or relationships?

Yes, sometimes we perform one-off projects for clients, but typically our client relationships are ongoing and last for 10+ years on average. They can be contracted to last for a period of months or as-needed depending on the project and whatever works best for our clients!

Do you have a specific need? Send us a quick email and we'll let you know how we can support you!

How do you measure the results of your marketing efforts?

We rely heavily on data and analytics. We won't offer or suggest any services to you that we won't be able measure, because we believe that it's critical to be able to measure return on investment. Also, every website that we launch will be set up for tracking with Google Analytics by default.

How do you onboard new clients?

Once we've connected with you, our first step is to provide you with some sort of estimate or proposal for services you've indicated interest in. If you decide to move forward with us, then we'll both sign the proposal for the project discussed and we'll sign and provide you with a non-disclosure agreement so that you can be confident everything we discuss will be confidential.

Then, we'll create a secure, shared directory for us to store and share any marketing materials and commense with the communication and invoicing as outlined in the proposal.

Any new or modifications to current projects can be discussed on an as-needed basis, as well as miscellaneous questions regarding marketing or website development.

How much involvement is required from the business?

This can depend on factors such as the project and how much involvement a business would prefer to have. However, since we believe that the most effective marketing and development campaigns are custom to each individual client, we typically request a couple of planning meetings at the beginning with occasional or regular checkins, demos or analytical reviews throughout the life of the project.

New projects

How does a new project typically work?

Once we hear from you, if we have enough information about your project, we'll put together a formal proposal that will include price, timeline and other expectations. At that point, you can either accept our proposal as-is or we can discuss modifications.

Then, once approved, we'll get started by following the timeline described in the proposal which will include some sort of periodic check-in or analysis reporting so that we're always on the same page.

Can I request a certain platform or technology?

Definitely. If there's a certain technology that you prefer, we can certain provide you a proposal for working with that. We may recommend a different solution if we think that it will fit your needs better, but that will ultimately be your call.

Small businesses & non-profits

Do you offer discounts for small businesses?

Our rates stay mostly the same across the board, however, small businesses don't usually have the same scope requirements as mid-sized or large businesses so the projects would normally be cheaper (same with non-profits).

If you're looking for more cost-effective support, please check out BizPilot, our unlimited consulting support for small businesses.

What about non-profits?

Yes! Our hourly rate is reduced to $50 for non-profit organizations (a savings of 33% and 50%+ compared to our competitors). Being from New Hampshire, born and raised, we're eager to help improve our community.

Billing & terms

What is your pricing model or how do you charge for services?

We base the pricing for all projects and ongoing services on the time it will take us to do the work. This ensures that we only bill you for the work performed, and don't over- or under-charge you with a flat, universal fee for any given project.

Our hourly rate for all services is currently $75 per hour. We know that this is 40% to 75% cheaper than most of our competitors, but we're able to offer this because of our very low overhead and processes that we've made more efficient over 10+ years of client work.

Do you provide free estimates?

Yes! For new, prospective clients, we'll provide a free, no-commitment estimate or formal "proposal" for services which will include a description of the project scope, estimated timeframe, pricing and schedule.

For current clients, when requested (or when we estimate that a task will require more than 10 hours of our time), we'll provide a no-commitment estimate for new or additional services.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements?

Definitely. When you become a client of ours for the first time, we'll sign and provide documentation such as non-disclosure agreements so that you can feel confident in our relationship as we move forward.

What does the invoicing process look like?

Typically, we'll email you an invoice at the end of every month which you can pay online or via check in the mail. The invoice will include a breakdown of the work performed during the prior month.

If any non-regular work is performed during any given month, we'll provide you with an estimate before the work is performed if we estimate that it will require 10+ hours of our time (to avoid any invoice surprises).

What if I want to cancel services?

We understand that priorities or budgets change, so our clients can cancel any service at any time. If work was performed prior to that point that wasn't yet invoiced, we'll send an invoice for the difference and provide any marketing materials to you once the invoice has been paid.

Marketing materials

Who is responsible for creating the content your agency provides?

Generally, the content that is created for all marketing materials is generated in-house. This includes copy for ads, SEO, website design and more. Often, we leverage artificial intelligence to inspire and sometimes improve our copy. Occassionally, we will outsource certain longer-form copy requirements depending on the project or industry. However, you will be made aware before we do so.

Will I have full ownership of the materials?

Yes, everything that we do or create for you will be yours to take and keep. That includes websites, databases, files and domain names.


Do you offer any training or educational materials?

When we work with clients, we make it a priority to ensure that they have a good understanding of what we are doing and what to expect.

Additionally, we're currently working on producing some courses for digital marketing and website development. If you'd be interested in those or have any requests, please send us an email! For now, you can check out our blog.

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Try our free project estimator tool to get an immediate cost and time estimate for your project. The system will ask you a few simple questions and then provide you with estimated cost and time ranges.