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New Hampshire Hospital Association, Association SEO Analysis


New Hampshire Hospital Association logo

Page Title

Home - New Hampshire Hospital Association

This webpage doesn't have a defined page title of an appropriate length.

A webpage title, or title tag, is the text that's displayed on the tab of a browser window and as the headline on a search engine result. It acts as the title for the content of the webpage and should preview and clearly define what the webpage is about.

The ideal title tag is between 60 and 80 characters in length and should contain important, quality keywords relevant to the page.

Page Description

This webpage doesn't have a defined page description of an appropriate length.

A webpage description, or meta description tag, is the text that's displayed under the headline on a search engine result. Like the page title, the description should provide a little more information about what the contents of the webpage is about.

The ideal page description is between 160 and 180 characters in length and should contain similar, supportive text to the title tag.

H1 Header

We're Stronger Together

This webpage has a defined H1 header and has only 1 on the page.

An H1 header tag is like the main headline for a webpage. Differing from a page title, the header isn't displayed on the browser tab or search engine result, but it's often the first text that a user sees when visiting a webpage, and should clearly introduce the content that it appears before.

Every webpage should have 1 and only 1 H1 header tag per page, and it should include relevant, quality keywords.

Content Length

Word count: 1,110 words, Reading time: 4.4 minutes"Skip to content Contact Us Menu Close Health Care PrioritiesOpen menu Access to Care Behavioral Health Emergency Preparedness Federal Policy Issues Financial Policy & Reimbursement Regulatory & Licensure Compliance Price Transparency Quality & Patient Safety Rural Health State Budget Workforce Sustainability Workplace SafetyAdvocacyOpen menu Advocacy Agenda Legislative Update Regulatory NH Legislation NH Legislators Congressional DelegationOur PartnersOpen menu Hospital Members Endorsed Partners Corporate MembersAbout UsOpen menu Mission Board of Trustees Association Team Our Members Strategic Plan NHHA/FHC Annual Meeting 2024 Annual Reports Newsroom Resources & Reports Employment Opportunities We're Stronger Together The unified voice for New Hampshire hospitals and health systems and the patients and communities they serve. NHHA/FHC 2024 Annual MeetingAlways There, Ready to CareBEHAVIORAL HEALTHBuilding a System of CareWORKFORCE SUSTAINABILITYEnsuring a Future Health Care WorkforceRESOURCES AND REPORTSKeeping you Informed Welcome to NHHA The New Hampshire Hospital Association (NHHA) is dedicated to providing leadership through advocacy, education, and information to support our hospital members and health care systems. NHHA works diligently to help its members adapt to the immense challenges and shifts taking place in the health care industry as they strive to improve the health of the patients and communities they serve. Mission/Vision Meet Our Members A Message From Our President  Always there, ready to care. Enhancing lives, strengthening communities. These words are much more than just the theme of this year’s NHHA/FHC Annual Meeting, October 20-22nd at the beautiful Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. They are the embodiment of the mission of every New Hampshire hospital and health system. Our members proudly stand ready to care for their patients and communities every hour of every day. The women and men who provide care and work in our hospitals and health systems do so with great skill and compassion, and we are forever grateful for all that they do to care for the patients and communities who depend on them to be there when they are needed most. This year’s annual meeting will be a great opportunity for our members to learn, share and network with one another as we discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead in building the health care system that will serve the Granite State in the years to come. We thank our many sponsors and others who make this meeting the success it is every year. Be healthy, stay well! Steve AhnenPresident Endorsed Business Partner Spotlight of the Month Maintaining a 99% client retention rate, Medical Solutions provides innovative staffing support in partnership with its hospital and health system clients. The company’s organic growth, along with strategic acquisitions such as FocusOne Solutions and Aureus Medical, strengthens Medical Solutions for a combined 70+ years of health care staffing experience. Medical Solutions’ Managed Services Providers’ (MSPs) program was launched as a response to the changing landscape in temporary health care staffing and the growing need for health care systems to take a more quality-focused approach to contract staffing. Medical Solutions connects nurses, allied health clinicians and clinical leaders with health care facilities across the U.S. Its service offerings include contingent staffing, managed services, strike staffing, permanent placement, local contract, PRN, and international staffing. Endorsed Business Partner Corporate Members Our Impact: 80,875 Jobs As employers, New Hampshire hospitals and health systems create thousands of jobs both internally and in the broader community through the support of other businesses. Read more about the impact of NH hospitals and health systems on the state economy. Read More Area of Focus Advocacy We work collaboratively with our members, state and federal officials and other stakeholders to develop and influence public policy, and ensure the legal and regulatory framework change is conducive to support effective health care policy and services. Advocacy Agenda Legislative Update Bill Tracker Health Care Issues & Topics Massive amounts of information, rules, and regulations impact how New Hampshire hospitals and health systems do business and take care of patients. We compile and share information for members on critical issues, trends, and best practices. Access to Care Behavioral Health Emergency Preparedness Licensure & Regulatory Compliance Reimbursement Price Transparency Workforce Quality & Patient Safety New Hampshire hospitals work every day to provide safe and better care to the patients they treat. We support our members to prevent and reduce risks, errors, and harm that occur to patients during provision of health care and believe that patient safety is fundamental to delivering quality essential health services. Quality & Patient Safety Eastern Quality Improvement Collaborative Health Care Quality & Patient Safety Commission Patient & Family Engagement Rural Health Resources & Reports NHHA provides easy to use, reliable information that can be trusted to provide a clear context for hospital issues. This is beneficial to members, policymakers, and the public to showcase the value of New Hampshire hospitals and health systems to patients, communities and the state. Reports Fact Sheets Latest News and Events May 9, 2024 CONCORD, NH – The Foundation for Healthy Communities is pleased to announce Haylie Robinson, RN, of the... Read More April 29, 2024   Concord, NH – A March 2024 report by the New Hampshire Hospital Association and the Foundation... Read More March 4, 2024   The Foundation for Healthy Communities is pleased to announce that nominations are being accepted for the 2024... Read More New Hampshire Hospital Association Encourages Vaccination and Other Preventative Measures January 10, 2024 CONCORD, NH - As we enter the... Read More The New Hampshire Hospital Association serves as the statewide leader and unified voice for New Hampshire’s hospitals and health systems. Founded in 1934, NHHA represents its members through advocacy, education and information in support of their mission to improve the health and well-being of the patients and communities they serve. About NHHANewsroomResources & ReportsOur ImpactDisclaimersAccessibility StatementSitemap 125 Airport Road, Concord, NH 03301Phone: (603) 225-0900Fax: (603) 225-4346Email: [email protected] Copyright 2024 New Hampshire Hospital Association, All Rights Reserved Search × Search…"

This webpage contains over 500 words of content.

Because search engines crawl and index content, and the more content that a webpage has the greater potential for the page to rank for multiple keywords, webpages should contain a good amount of content with more than 500 words being a good benchmark for a regular page, and 1,000 words for blog posts.

The content should be rich with quality, original content - not containing "fluff" just to fill up the space. Having more content will also likely help the page to rank better for search queries as well as rank for more search queries.

Image Alternate Text

Images on page: 4, Images with alt text: 0, Percentage: 0%

0% of the images on this webpage contain alternate text description tags.

Alternate text descriptions for images allow visually impaired website visitors to still be able to understand the context of an image. All images on a page should contain a brief and relevant text alternative to what the image displays.

Internal Links

1. /healthcare-priorities/behavioral-health/38. /healthcare-priorities/behavioral-health/39. /healthcare-priorities/workforce-sustainability/40. /healthcare-priorities/workforce-sustainability/41. /who-we-are/mission/44. /hospital-members/45. /membership/endorsed-partners/46. /membership/corporate-members/47. /advocacy/advocacy-agenda/49. /resources-reports/legislative-update/50. /resources-reports/nh-legislation/51. /healthcare-priorities/access-to-care/52. /healthcare-priorities/behavioral-health/53. /healthcare-priorities/emergency-preparedness/54. /healthcare-priorities/regulatory-licensure-compliance/55. /healthcare-priorities/financial-policy-reimbursemen/56. /healthcare-priorities/price-transparency/57. /healthcare-priorities/workforce-sustainability/58. /healthcare-priorities/quality-patient-safety/59. /healthcare-priorities/rural-health/60. /resources-reports/61. /resources-reports/hospitals-fact-sheets/62. /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection

This webpage contains at least 1 link to another of the site's pages.

Internal links are links that redirect users to other pages on the same website. It's important that pages contain internal links to send users and search engine crawlers to other pages and content on the same site.

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