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Foundation for Healthy Communities, Non-profit SEO Analysis


Foundation for Healthy Communities logo

Page Title

Home - FHC

This webpage doesn't have a defined page title of an appropriate length.

A webpage title, or title tag, is the text that's displayed on the tab of a browser window and as the headline on a search engine result. It acts as the title for the content of the webpage and should preview and clearly define what the webpage is about.

The ideal title tag is between 60 and 80 characters in length and should contain important, quality keywords relevant to the page.

Page Description

This webpage doesn't have a defined page description of an appropriate length.

A webpage description, or meta description tag, is the text that's displayed under the headline on a search engine result. Like the page title, the description should provide a little more information about what the contents of the webpage is about.

The ideal page description is between 160 and 180 characters in length and should contain similar, supportive text to the title tag.

H1 Header

Improving Health & Health Care Through Innovative Partnerships

This webpage has a defined H1 header and has only 1 on the page.

An H1 header tag is like the main headline for a webpage. Differing from a page title, the header isn't displayed on the browser tab or search engine result, but it's often the first text that a user sees when visiting a webpage, and should clearly introduce the content that it appears before.

Every webpage should have 1 and only 1 H1 header tag per page, and it should include relevant, quality keywords.

Content Length

Word count: 1,497 words, Reading time: 6.0 minutes"Skip to content Contact Us Menu Close About UsOpen menu Board of Trustees Foundation Team Strategic Plan Our Partners Annual Reports Annual Meeting Employment OpportunitiesInitiativesOpen menu Access to Care Advance Care Planning Behavioral Health Clinical Learning Collaborative Community Benefit & Health Improvement COVID-19 Vaccine Project Granite State Health Care Coalition Health Insurance Assistance HealthForce NH Improving Hospital Inpatient Management of Opioid Use Disorders NH Health Care Quality & Patient Safety Commission Quality & Patient Safety Patient and Family Engagement Population Health Rural Health Quality Improvement Network Substance Use Disorder Treatment Past InitiativesResourcesOpen menu Publicatons Advance Directives Order Form VideosEvents and EducationNewsroomOpen menu Press Releases Blog Events and Education Publications Improving Health & Health Care Through Innovative Partnerships We build connections between health care organizations & community partners in New Hampshire for equitable health for all. Innovative Solutions Successful Collaborations Resources & Publications Advanced Directives Order Form 2024 Annual Meeting Improving Community Health Is Complex For many health care organizations or community partners: It is challenging to keep up with massive amounts of health care data that changes constantly. It is frustrating being so busy in your day-to-day role that you lack the bandwidth to address the problems you encounter. Staying compliant with ever-changing regulations. Maintaining health care quality in the face of financial challenges and workforce shortages can feel overwhelming. At the Foundation for Healthy Communities We know that innovative partnerships can develop the right tools and strategies to help individuals achieve their highest potential for health and well being in the communities where they live, work, learn and play. Bringing Stakeholders Together to Address Community Health Needs We achieve our mission of improving total population health through our dynamic partnerships between hospitals, medical providers, health plans, health care stakeholders, and community organizations and individuals. FHC is the quality arm of the New Hampshire Hospital Association (NHHA). It therefore has a unique relationship with an advocacy-focused organization that can help direct policy changes that support our work.  Hospital Partner“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur incididunt ut labore et dolore magna sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.”Community Partner“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.”Funding Partner“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.” Building Healthier Communities Together Access to Care Health Insurance Assistance Medication Bridge NH Health Access Network First Choice Services ACA Navigato Advanced Directives Advance Care Planning Portable Medical Orders Education & Trainings Order Form Behavioral Health Behavioral Health Clinical Learning Collaborative Improving Hospital Inpatient Management of Opioid Use Disorder Medication for Opioid Use Disorder in the ED Substance Use Disorder Treatment Unhealthy Alcohol Use Awareness Project Emergency Preparedness Granite State Health Care Coalition COVID-19 Response COVID-19 Vaccine Project Quality & Patient Safety EQIC (NH Partnership for Patients) Patient & Family Engagement Rural Health Quality Improvement Network NH Health Care Quality & Patient Safety Commission Population Health Aligning Community Investments Community Benefit Population Health A Message from our Executive Director I am very much looking forward to reconnecting with our partners at our upcoming annual meeting. It is always a highlight for me to gather with such dedicated individuals who share our passion for advancing health care in New Hampshire. This year, I will be particularly excited to share the innovative new work our organization has been undertaking, and to lift up our partners’ exceptional work in the field as well. The stories of impact, novel approaches, and commitment to caregiving provide inspiration, but also provide models that can be replicated throughout the state. We are actively involved in statewide initiatives aimed at improving health and health care outcomes for all New Hampshire residents and their families. Our commitment to this mission drives everything we do. By fostering collaboration, leveraging our collective expertise, building on our achievements and embracing new opportunities, we are making meaningful strides towards a healthier future for all. Be healthy, stay well! Peter AmesExecutive Director Our Impact: $496.7 Million Amount New Hampshire hospitals and health systems invested in their communities in total community benefits provided in 2018.*Read more about the positive impact of NH hospitals and health systems on their communities. Read More Health Insurance Navigation The Foundation for Healthy Communities’ Health Insurance Navigation Program operates year-round to increase awareness among the remaining uninsured about the coverage options available to them, help consumers find affordable coverage that meets their needs, and assist consumers beyond the enrollment process to ensure they’re equipped with the tools and resources needed to utilize and maintain their health coverage all year Read more Latest News and Events Androscoggin Valley Home Care Services Wins First Place in Innovation Challenge Awarded $100,000 to Help Solve the Health Care Workforce Shortage May 16, 2024     Concord, NH – With an emphasis on improving job flexibility and a genuine commitment to... Read More VA Manchester Healthcare System’s Haylie Robinson Named 2024 Clint Jones NH Nursing Award Recipient May 9, 2024   CONCORD, NH – The Foundation for Healthy Communities is pleased to announce Haylie Robinson, RN, of... Read More Medically Cleared Patients in NH Hospitals Face Barriers to Discharge April 29, 2024   Concord, NH – A March 2024 report by the New Hampshire Hospital Association and the Foundation... Read More ?> The Foundation for Healthy Communities (FHC) is a non-profit organization that collaborates with hospitals, community partners, state departments and insurers on statewide initiatives that improve the health and health care for all New Hampshire residents and their families. About FHCNewsroomOur ImpactDisclaimersSitemap 125 Airport Road, Concord, NH 03301Phone: (603) 225-0900Fax: (603) 225-4346Email: [email protected] Copyright 2024 Foundation for Healthy Communities All Rights Reserved Search × Search…"

This webpage contains over 500 words of content.

Because search engines crawl and index content, and the more content that a webpage has the greater potential for the page to rank for multiple keywords, webpages should contain a good amount of content with more than 500 words being a good benchmark for a regular page, and 1,000 words for blog posts.

The content should be rich with quality, original content - not containing "fluff" just to fill up the space. Having more content will also likely help the page to rank better for search queries as well as rank for more search queries.

Image Alternate Text

Images on page: 4, Images with alt text: 0, Percentage: 0%

0% of the images on this webpage contain alternate text description tags.

Alternate text descriptions for images allow visually impaired website visitors to still be able to understand the context of an image. All images on a page should contain a brief and relevant text alternative to what the image displays.

Internal Links

1. /initiatives/36. /our-partners/37. /initiatives/access-to-care/40. /initiatives/access-to-care/get-covered/41. /initiatives/access-to-care/medication-bridge/42. /initiatives/access-to-care/nh-health-access-network/43. /initiatives/advance-directives/44. /initiatives/advance-care-planning/45. /initiatives/advance-care-planning/portable-medical-orders/46. /initiatives/advance-care-planning/education-trainings/47. /initiatives/order-form/48. /initiatives/behavioral-health49. /initiatives/behavioral-health/behavioral-health-clinical-learning-collaborative/50. /initiatives/behavioral-health/improving-hospital-inpatient-management-of-opioid-use-disorders/51. /behavioral-health/substance-use-disorder-treatment/53. initiatives/emergency-preparedness/55. /initiatives/granite-state-healthcare-coalition/56. /initiatives/granite-state-healthcare-coalition/covid-19-response-recovery-page/57. /initiatives/granite-state-healthcare-coalition/covid-19-vaccine-projec/58. /initiatives/quality-patient-safety/59. /initiatives/quality-patient-safety/eqic/60. /initiatives/quality-patient-safety/patient-and-family-engagement/61. /initiatives/quality-patient-safety/rural-health-quality-improvement-network/62. /initiatives/quality-patient-safety/nh-health-care-quality-patient-safety-commission/63. /initiatives/population-health/64. /initiatives/population-health/aligning-investments-to-improve-population-health/65. /initiatives/population-health/community-benefit-health-improvement/66. /initiatives/population-health/population-health-peer-group-learning-community/67. /who-we-are/our-impact/68. /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection

This webpage contains at least 1 link to another of the site's pages.

Internal links are links that redirect users to other pages on the same website. It's important that pages contain internal links to send users and search engine crawlers to other pages and content on the same site.

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