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Harden Law Offices, Attorney SEO Analysis


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Page Title

Harden Law Offices NH DWI DUI Criminal Defense Attorneys available 24 Hours

This webpage has a defined page title and it has an appropriate length of 75 characters.

A webpage title, or title tag, is the text that's displayed on the tab of a browser window and as the headline on a search engine result. It acts as the title for the content of the webpage and should preview and clearly define what the webpage is about.

The ideal title tag is between 60 and 80 characters in length and should contain important, quality keywords relevant to the page.

Page Description

Leonard D. Harden is an experienced NH trial lawyer practicing in Northern New Hampshire with offices in Lancaster, Littleton and Lebanon. He focuses on criminal cases including all level of offenses: felony, misdemeanors, DWI, assaults, drug defense and violent crimes. His in-depth knowledge and zealous handling of each case set him apart and make him successful.

This webpage doesn't have a defined page description of an appropriate length.

A webpage description, or meta description tag, is the text that's displayed under the headline on a search engine result. Like the page title, the description should provide a little more information about what the contents of the webpage is about.

The ideal page description is between 160 and 180 characters in length and should contain similar, supportive text to the title tag.

H1 Header

HARDENDWI/DUI Lawyer and Criminal Defense in New HampshireAVAILABLE 24 HOURS. Call (or text) 603-788-2080

This webpage doesn't have 1 and only 1 H1 header on the page.

An H1 header tag is like the main headline for a webpage. Differing from a page title, the header isn't displayed on the browser tab or search engine result, but it's often the first text that a user sees when visiting a webpage, and should clearly introduce the content that it appears before.

Every webpage should have 1 and only 1 H1 header tag per page, and it should include relevant, quality keywords.

Content Length

Word count: 3,940 words, Reading time: 15.8 minutes"603.788.2080FollowFollowFollowHARDENLaw OfficesFree Case Evaluation OnlineDWI/DUIDWI LawyerDWI FAQCriminal Defense LawyerCase StudiesTestimonialsClient TestimonialsProfessional TestimonialsAboutLinksBlogContact DWI/DUI Lawyer and Criminal Defense in New HampshireAVAILABLE 24 HOURS. Call (or text) 603-788-2080Leonard D. Harden is an experienced trial lawyer practicing in Northern New Hampshire with offices in Lancaster, Littleton and Lebanon. He focuses on criminal cases including all level of offenses: felony, misdemeanors, DWI, assaults, drug defense and violent crimes. His in-depth knowledge and zealous handling of each case set him apart and make him successful.Attorney Harden is available 24 hours a day for emergency consultation appointments. Call or text (603) 788-2080. Submit Free Case Evaluation OnlinePractice AreasImpaired DrivingCharges involving drugs and alcohol, such as DWI, DUI, Aggravated DWI with or without chemical testing, also experienced at New Hampshire-DMV hearings including ALS, CDL, IID under 20 hearings and more.Domestic ViolenceCharges involve violent acts committed against a person in a domestic relationship whom the law protects from assault such as a spouse, relatives or household members. Includes Petitions seeking protective orders.Violent OffensesInvolves force or threat of force such as: homicide, murder, assaults, manslaughter, sexual assault, felonious sexual assault, rape, robbery, reckless conduct with or without firearms and kidnapping.Property OffensesCharges where property is taken, possessed or damaged without permission such as burglary, theft, shoplifting, willful concealment, vandalism, arson and criminal mischief, at superior and district levels.AssaultsCharges where unprivileged physical contact, attempt or threats are made against another without permission, includes simple assault, domestic violence, 1st & 2nd degree assaults.Motor Vehicle OffenseCovers a broad range of charges from negligent homicide, felony reckless conduct, manslaughter, felony aggravated DWI to negligent driving, reckless driving, conduct after an accident and operating after suspension. Attorney Harden will only handle very serious speeding charges.Drug OffensesCharges involving possession, use, manufacturing, transporting, distributing controlled drugs or intoxication, both felony and misdemeanors at the state courts in the superior and district court levels.Sex CrimesCrimes includes: rape, sexual assault, felonious sexual assault, marital rape, incest, pornography, exploitation, molestation, abduction, prostitution, bestiality and indecent exposure.Other CrimesOfficial oppression, bribery, improper influence, violations bail, hindering apprehension, resisting arrest, obstructing government administration, escape, sabotage, misuse of information, breach of peace, prostitution, public indecency, perjury, false swearing, false reports to law enforcement and many others. Submit Free Case Evaluation Online About Len HardenNew Hampshire Attorney Leonard Harden has successfully argued more jury trials than any other defense lawyer in Coos County and has been representing people in New Hampshire criminal cases for over 25 years.Attorney Harden is recognized by his peers as possessing exceptional knowledge. He has been re-elected to serve on the Board of Directors for the New Hampshire Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NHACDL) since 2008. He has served on an editorial board for James Publishing, Inc. and has written a chapter on breath testing in a book published by Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc. (MCLE) focusing on NH DWI defense. He has been the chairperson of the biannual Advanced DWI seminar which is sponsored by the NHACDL since 2010 .Attorney Harden is a frequent presenter at NH defense lawyer seminars teaching other lawyers how to best defend cases. He has been a faculty member at the Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Advanced DUI seminar focusing on trial skills and a speaker at national DWI seminars in South Carolina and Pennsylvania teaching, educating and sharing with lawyers around the country how to better defend cases.What are clients saying about Attorney Harden? {His reputation proceeds him in the courtroom and you get what you pay for. He is my first choice in a DUI case.I highly recommend his council at the ALS hearing prior to court proceedings SF {Leonard Harden lets you know where you stand and takes the time to explain potential outcomes, ensures you understand what he is explaining, (at a level you comprehend).He works hard at getting you a fair outcome DP {I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help. I am now finally removed from intoxilate from the DMV. So for anyone who needs the help that I required, I would not hesitate to have them reach out to you. You saved me from so many situational effects of my offences. So, thank you very much for what you've done for me and my wife and life.I Decided to Take Your Advice – It Changed Everything RB {Len fought hard and managed to get my DUI dismissed. I am extremely grateful for this outcome and no criminal conviction. It was very comforting to know Len was by my side. He tirelessly looked for ways to win.Len was always just a phone call away JD {Mr. Leonard Harden and his secretary have provided the best outcome for my case. They are very professional and have excellent knowledge of the criminal justice system. I highly recommend him for help in your case in Northern New Hampshire. Thanks for all you do!Provided the Best Outcome for My Case Joshua {From our very first interaction, I felt comforted! He responded to my many questions and concerns with patience and compassion. He was knowledgeable, experienced, and responsive. I felt defeated and lost, but he assured me, walked me through the process, and got me a favorable outcome. Attorney Harden should be the professional you contact if you ever need to seek representation. I made the right choice by selecting him. Your future is too important to take a chance with anyone else.Knowledgeable, Experienced, and Responsive Christine {When I met with Len Harden I found him to be well informed, concise, and to the point concerning my case and the laws pertaining to it. He was friendly and interested in the facts as I presented them. I found him to be helpful before and when my court date arrived. I could not have made a better choice!The best choice William {At first I was a little nervous.There was no reason for me to be at all. Mr. Harden came out fighting and never stopped. He really knows what he is doing, If he says lets drag this out, let him. He's a very sharp attorney and I would recommend him with the highest level of endorsement. Thank-you for everything Mr. Harden.Awesome kept me informed and knowledgeable very trustworthy and responsive Brenda {I had been arrested for a DUI. The state trooper had a story and so did I. Both stories conflicted each other. It upset me that a person of law enforcement would go to extremes to make sure that their point of view won in a court of law. Len graciously took on my case. Len listened to every word I had to say and he asked all the right questions. Len and his team did their research, and did a great job doing so. We won! Thanks to Len and his team, we won.Hard working, attentive, a lawyer you want on your side. Blake {Len did an outstanding job at proving my side of the story. His knowledge of the legal system and his relationships with some of the finest experts in the state make him a formidable foe in the court room. I know without a doubt that Len got me the best possible deal and without him thing would have been much worse. Thanks Len.Outstanding Job Chris {Leonard Harden is a great lawyer, who helped me in my dui case. He is a constant professional and as this was my first time going through the judicial system, he kept me informed of the steps he was taking to win my case, but also to explain the process to me so I would understand it better. I would recommend him to anyone.Great Lawyer Ryan {Got two dui's in six months , won both cases with Mr Harden . I have always had respect for the law , I could not believe how far the police would go , with their lies to try to win ! Went to court three times for the second dui , the story changed each time , I don't trust cops anymore . I thought their job was to serve and protect - not search and destroy ! Know your rights , Len Harden is the attorney that will protect your rights.Guilty in the eyes of the law Keith {I was arrested for my second dwi and first we went to concord als hearing to fight the charge of refusing to take a blood test and it is very hard to win in concord but he won my case! I ended up getting my license back! Then we had a court date for the dwi and ended up that the police dept decided to dismiss the charges due to a weak case! I ended up not losing my license.  I am very pleased with leonard harden ability to fight my case.Thank you very much for letting me to continue to have my freedom. I highly recommend if you dont want to be charged with a dwi then you need to hire leonard!Second DWI Diane {When I was charged with DUI I was frightened and ashamed. A colleague referred me to Attorney Len Harden and I am very grateful for the recommendation. At all times Len was responsive, highly knowledgeable and easy to work with. He ensured I fully understood the legal proceedings as they progressed and was quick to answer all my questions. I was impressed by his expertise and appreciated the straightforward way in which he handled my case. I believe Len's representation achieved the best possible outcome for me in a difficult situation.Recommended!! EN {Len is by far the most experienced, knowledgeable and expertly skilled attorney in the entire state! He was recommended to me by an attorney for the U.S. Department of Defense and he definitely did not disappoint. Not only did I win my ALS hearing with the state (a feat that is virtually unheard of), but I won my DUI court case as well - and I owe it all to Len!The best DUI attorney in the State of New Hampshire Anonymous {I was pulled over in a small town in Northern New Hampshire for suspicion of driving under the influence. I started researching attorneys that specialized in this particular law and everyone I spoke with recommended Leonard Harden as the best DUI attorney in the state.  Leonard and his assistant Mandy where extremely helpful in settling my nerves and gave me an accurate interpretation of what to expect. I wholeheartedly believe based on Leonard’s experience and expertise had I gone with a different attorney I would not have had such a favorable outcome.Highly Respected DUI Attorney Mary {Len was able to help me out when I was in a dire spot, had few options when I knew that something was fishy with the states case. Len worked hard to get all the facts and ended up getting my charge dropped to a violation level offense. If you ever need a DUI lawyer Len is your man.One of the Best Michael {Len provided excellent advice in all aspects of my case. He walked me through the entire criminal prosecution process. I never anticipated that I would be arrested for anything but when I was I was glad to have someone like Len help me through it.Great Lawyer Anonymous {Len took time to discuss my case, so I was fully aware of everything that was important to me. I received updates and felt assured that I was in good hands.Great Communication Chris {One of my best friends recommended Len and it was the best thing I could have ever done. Len has a very likeable personality which made a stressful situation a lot easier to deal with. Len didn't have much to work with because my big mouth at my time of the arrest didn't make it easy for him. When it came to court day Len let the arresting cop "have it", Len quickly picked up on false statements of the trooper and found ways to defend me in ways that made my jaw drop. I know that if I didn't have Len on my side it would have been a much worse outcome. Thank you Len!Class act Craig {I was arrested for possession of and transporting in a motor vehicle a controlled substance, Marijuana. After negotiations with the DA, Len was able to get all criminal charges dropped and reduced to a violation for knowingly transporting a controlled substance, marijuana in a motor vehicle. An amazing result considering the police had me on body camera, I would highly recommend his services if you have criminal issues in northern NH.Top notch, knowledgeable, defense attorney Greg {The best thing I did was to hire him as my lawyer, period. Attorney Harden brought the charge down from a felony to a Class B misdemeanor, moving it from Superior to District Court. Through his knowledge, pull, and respect as a local legal force to be reckoned with, attorney Harden was able to further plea my case down to a first offense, removing any possibility of jail time, and shaving almost 4 years off of my potential license loss. I cannot express how grateful I am for this. I have the utmost confidence, and respect for this man. Thank you Len!Praise to attorney Len Harden! Steven {When you make a bad decision and life seems to be at its worst, there is help and guidance available. Sometimes it costs a lot of money or time to get back on your feet again. I’m glad I chose to have Attorney Len Harden represent me and my legal issues. There may be a sense of ability for how much can be done for some people. I trust that Len looks at things from a wide angle and makes sure you have a fair chance at getting an honest chance in court. Thank you Len for your representation and your knowledge. It was critical to my health that I needed someone I could put my faith in to handle my case.Best of the Best Bradley {Len Harden came as a recommendation from friends of friends and I am so happy that I hired him for my DWI case. He was attentive from the consultations through the final step of paying my speeding ticket and concealing my record. He never pushed me into accepting or going to trial that he did not feel was correct for the situation. He ended up by winning my DMV hearing and having the police drop the DWI charge due to his knowledge and attending forums of police training.Attentive and Understanding Anonymous {I am a Massachusetts resident who vacations in New Hampshire every summer with my family. I was arrested and charged with DWI after going to the store to get firewood and made a right turn at a red light.  I was not intoxicated, but was reluctant to take the breathalyzer test because the officer told me my breath had a strong odor. I ultimately refused the test, so I was arrested and charged with DWI based on the Officer's interpretation. With the help of Len and his team, the Judge ruled "Not Guilty" after a 3 hour trial. Justice was served.Out of State Driver Charged with DWI in NH Jake {I reached out to the Veteran's Legal Project of NH/Vt They in turn advised me to call Attorney Len Harden. I explained to Mr. Harden the circumstances of my DUI charge and he offered to represent me.  I had no idea the complications and laws defining a DUI charge. Len did an extraordinary job at presenting my case. Thus having my DUI dismissed with no penalty, fines, or SR-22 filing.Jeffrey S. formally from Littleton, NH A truly grateful veteran, Jeffrey S. {From the first call with him before even hiring him I could tell I was in good hands. Len always knew what to do and ultimately got me as good an outcome as was realistically possible, going from 2 felony charges to 2 very minor misdemeanors. I would highly recommend him to anybody in need of a criminal lawyer. Very knowledgeable and great guy.Charged with 2 felonys, only convicted with 2 misdemeanors. Anonymous {I was recommended to attorney Harden by my father lawyer say he is one of the best, well he couldn't have been more right. I was in a pretty tight spot with my DWI case and attorney Harden had no problem helping me out. He was incredibly understanding, patient, kind, and easy to talk to with just about any part of my case. i very highly recommend attorney Harden for amy DWI case.Life saver Anonymous {I recommend Len, He was very professional, and he got back to me in a timely fashion. He was able to explain a lot about the process. And knew a lot of people within the system. Consider Len if you are having any DWI issues. He is one of the best.Great DWI Lawyer Anonymous {He got my DUI dropped, my driving over single and double yellow line dropped to a charge of reckless driving. Responds quickly to messages and phone calls. Calming demeanor, friendly, easy to talk to, helpful in all ways.The best man to represent you in NH George {I was extremely skeptical on hiring a lawyer for my case, I wasn't sure anyone could help me where my DWI happened in the middle of no where and the officer was out to make a name for himself. Leonard was not pushy, did not try to coax me either way, did not make me feel pressured or anything of that nature. I was immediately comfortable on the first phone call I made seeking advice. He gave me the facts, every kind of scenario this case could go in and emailed me with every update and exactly what I should do. I had a hard case, and Leonard won and stood up for me! And to too it off it is right before Christmas! Worth every penny!A Christmas Miracle! Nicole {I cannot recommend Len enough! He was quick to respond, he is attentive, kind, and courteous. It is obvious that he knows what he is doing and he was a pleasure to work with. He also kept me informed along the way. Would recommend 100%An exceptional lawyer! Kelly {Mr. Harden was able to help me with my DUI releated to medical marijuana. I had a small crash in the snow slid 30 feet and was dazed. I had consumed my medicine earlier in the day but was unaffected. I blew a 0.00 and the cop wanted to take my blood as the only option. I refused based on my knowledge of marijuana in the system and the cops lack of knowledge. Mr. Harden was able to explain the laws and get me a favorable outcome. He was very professional and took the stress out of the situation.Great Lawyer helped in a stressful situation Anonymous {Len is a great attorney. He represented me after I was arrested for DWI. I was scared, and called around to a few different attorneys, and although he was more expensive than the others, you get what you pay for. I was pulled over, charged with DWI and open container. He worked out a deal with the DA and got my DWI dropped to a reckless driving and my open container was dropped completely. Definitely worth it, and he's got the experience and the prestige!He’s the Best — Charges Reduced or Dropped Stephanie {If any one needs a great lawyer please call him!!!! This man delivered everything he said he will do for us and when the time came for my husband to go to court he did it so if you are having any problems with DUIs and it is not your fault please call this man because he is a great and kind lawyer and he will find the mistakes that the police did thank you Mr. Harden Thank you Sincerely.Thank you! The Day Family {I retained Len for a DWI charge. He and his office were very helpful, communicative, and professional. He took time to explain the charge and my options to fight or reduce. Ultimately, we were successfully able to reduce my charge and I am glad to say I do not have a criminal conviction on my record. I would recommend Len for anyone fighting a DWI charge. Thanks Len!Effective, communicative, professional attorney Kevin {A few years ago, for the first time in my life, I was charged with a DUI. I am from MA and was visiting a friend in NH. I felt very uncertain selecting an attorney from a group of people I had no familiarity with but thankfully found Len online. He was always quick to respond to my questions, and made everything very easy to understand. I felt comfortable talking to him and truly felt like he had my best interest at heart. My DUI was dropped and I have no one else to thank for that other than Attorney Harden. I owe him my life!Could Not Have Asked For A Better Experience! Anonymous {I am fortunate that I had Len as my attorney. He is very supportive, understanding and promptly answering my calls and question. He is very knowledgable.Excellent Lawyer and Support Anonymous {He kept me informed by sending me email's and mailing me anything that had to do with my case, answered any questions I had with a quick response, and keeping me hopeful at the same time. When I first meet him to understand what was going on he told me everything I needed to know including what I was being charged with would be a tough case to win. He won my case, and after that he still sent me a paper to get the indictment, the time in court, well everything off my record. I'm glad I hired him and would recommend him to anyoneVery Good! Anonymous {I had a very complicated case involving a breath test. Attorney Harden explained how the breath test is only an estimate of blood alcohol. He was able to show errors the state had made and win the case. I highly recommend Harden to anybody who gets in trouble up in Northern NH.Unsurpassed lawyering LarryLANCASTER OFFICE104 Main StreetLancaster, New Hampshire 03584603.788.2080 DirectionsLITTLETON OFFICE2 Cottage StreetLittleton, New Hampshire 03561603.444.2084 DirectionsLEBANON OFFICE199 Heater RoadLebanon, New Hampshire 03766603.448.3737 DirectionsCONTACT BY EMAILE: Info@LenHarden.comorFree Case Evaluation Form HERE The information you obtain at this website is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation. This website may be considered legal advertising. Copyright © 2023 Leonard Harden Law Office. All rights reserved. Leonard D. Harden represents clients throughout northern New Hampshire in: Grafton County: Alexandria, Ashland, Bath, Benton, Bethlehem, Bridgewater, Bristol, Campton, Canaan, Dorchester, Easton, Ellsworth, Etna, Enfield, Franconia, Glen cliff, Grafton, Groton, Hanover, Haverhill, Hebron, Holderness, Handoff, Lebanon, Lincoln, Lisbon, Littleton, Lyman, Lyme, Lyme Center, Monroe, North Haverhill, North Woodstock, Orange, Oxford, Pike, Piermont, Plymouth, Romney, Sugar Hill, Thornton, Warren, Waterville, Wentworth, West Lebanon, Woodstock, Woodsville, Coos: Berlin, Bretton Woods, Carroll, Clarksville, Colebrook, Columbia, Dalton, Dummer, Errol, Gorham, Groveton, Jefferson, Lancaster, Milan, Northumberland, Pittsburg, Randolph, Shelburne, Stark, Stewartstown, Stratford, Twin Mountain, West Stewartstown, Whitefield, Carroll County: Bartlett, Center Conway, Conway, Eaton, Eaton Center, Freedom, Glen, Hart’s Location, Jackson, North Conway, Madison, Ossipee, Sandwich, South Tamworth, Tamworth, Interval including the following courts: Grafton Superior Courts: Carroll Superior Court, Coos Superior Court, Circuit Courts: 1st Circuit – District Division – Berlin, Lancaster, 1st Circuit – District Division – Colebrook, 2nd Circuit – District Division – Lebanon, Littleton, 3rd Circuit – District Division – Conway Ossipee, Haverhill, 2nd Circuit – District Division – Plymouth. DUI for OHRV, four wheeler, ATV.FollowFollowFollow"

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