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Important Metrics to Track for Your Website's SEO

January 13th, 2023

Search engine optimization can be an incredibly powerful tool to help you grow both your website and your business. But would you know how to track, measure and attribute the success of your website back to your site's SEO?

Without knowing which metrics to track, you would struggle knowing the return on investment of your SEO activities.

Here are a few of the most important analytics to track:

  • Organic traffic: The number of visitors that come to your website from organic search results.
  • Keyword rankings: The position of your website in the search engine results pages (SERP) for specific keywords.
  • Bounce rate: The percentage of visitors that leave your website after viewing only one page.
  • Time on page: The amount of time visitors spend on your website.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of visitors who click through to your website from the search engine results pages.
  • Pages per session: The average number of pages a visitor views during a session on your website.
  • Backlinks: The number of links pointing to your website from other websites.
  • Social shares: The number of times your content is shared on social media platforms.
  • Conversions: The number of visitors who take a desired action on your website, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form.
  • Revenue: The amount of money generated from organic traffic.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): the percentage of return on investment generated from the SEO campaign.

It is important to track these metrics over time to get a sense of how your SEO efforts are impacting your website's performance and make adjustments to your strategy as needed.

We at ZeroToDigital can help you unlock your business's full potential with an optimized website, web functionalities and effective digital marketing that works. Send us an email today to get your project started.

Hi, I'm Tyler Willis and I've been helping businesses optimize their digital marketing and web development efforts for over 10 years. I excel at teaching and helping companies understand complex digital solutions, and applying them to their businesses.

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