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Perform an SEO audit on your webpage

Enter your webpage URL and email below for a free search engine optimization audit of your webpage. Confirm where your page is set up for success and identify improvements that can be made.

WISE Crisis Support, Advocacy & Prevention, Non-profit SEO Analysis


WISE Crisis Support, Advocacy & Prevention logo

Page Title

Home - WISEAccessibility ToolsIncrease TextDecrease TextGrayscaleHigh ContrastNegative ContrastLight BackgroundLinks UnderlineReadable FontReset

This webpage doesn't have a defined page title of an appropriate length.

A webpage title, or title tag, is the text that's displayed on the tab of a browser window and as the headline on a search engine result. It acts as the title for the content of the webpage and should preview and clearly define what the webpage is about.

The ideal title tag is between 60 and 80 characters in length and should contain important, quality keywords relevant to the page.

Page Description

Survivor-Centered AdvocacyDomestic violence, sexual violence and stalking happen everywhere, including the Upper Valley. WISE advocates are here to listen and support you. We know that you can make your own decisions when you have information and support. You are the expert in your life. 24-Hour Crisis Line: 866-348-WISE Healthcare Advocacy Forensic Interview Support Court and

This webpage doesn't have a defined page description of an appropriate length.

A webpage description, or meta description tag, is the text that's displayed under the headline on a search engine result. Like the page title, the description should provide a little more information about what the contents of the webpage is about.

The ideal page description is between 160 and 180 characters in length and should contain similar, supportive text to the title tag.

H1 Header

Here for you. Every hour. Every day.

This webpage doesn't have 1 and only 1 H1 header on the page.

An H1 header tag is like the main headline for a webpage. Differing from a page title, the header isn't displayed on the browser tab or search engine result, but it's often the first text that a user sees when visiting a webpage, and should clearly introduce the content that it appears before.

Every webpage should have 1 and only 1 H1 header tag per page, and it should include relevant, quality keywords.

Content Length

Word count: 279 words, Reading time: 1.1 minutes"Skip to content How We HelpWhat We DoDartmouth CollegeWhat Is AbuseDefinitionsIs It Abuse?Is It Sexual Violence?Growing Up With ViolenceWho We AreAboutHow to JoinJoin WISEVolunteerCareersEventsWays To GiveSearchCallHere for you. Every hour. Every day.You are not alone. Whether you pick up the phone, connect to webchat, meet a WISE advocate in person or in the community, we listen, support and respond without judgment or pressure. I need helpSurvivor-Centered AdvocacyDomestic violence, sexual violence and stalking happen everywhere, including the Upper Valley. WISE advocates are here to listen and support you. We know that you can make your own decisions when you have information and support. You are the expert in your life.24-Hour Crisis Line: 866-348-WISE Healthcare Advocacy Forensic Interview Support Court and Legal Advocacy Social Service Advocacy Safe Home and Emergency Shelter Information & Referral Survivor Groups and Workshops Financial Advocacy Family Violence Prevention Specialist Program Safety Planning College Campus Advocacy Learn moreStay connectedConnect with WISEDo you want to hear more from us? Share your email address, and we will send you our eNews. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube and keep connected in real time. Join inEvery hour, every day 866-348-WISE CALLProgram Center:38 Bank St., Lebanon, NH 03766Fax:603-448-2799Tel:603-448-5922WISE Crisis Line:866-348-9473Text:603-836-9472 Follow us on FacebookFollow us on InstagramFollow us on YouTubeEmail us!See how we can helpSee How We Can HelpSafe Home and Emergency ShelterForensic Interview SupportSafety PlanningHealthcare and Financial AdvocacyCourt and Legal AdvocacySocial Service AdvocacyWISE Crisis Line: 866-348-9473Text: 603-836-9472WISE Crisis Line: 866-348-9473Text: 603-836-9472 Live Chat Exit Site Now Open toolbar Accessibility Tools Accessibility Tools Increase TextIncrease Text Decrease TextDecrease Text GrayscaleGrayscale High ContrastHigh Contrast Negative ContrastNegative Contrast Light BackgroundLight Background Links UnderlineLinks Underline Readable FontReadable Font Reset Reset"

This webpage doesn't contain over 500 words of content.

Because search engines crawl and index content, and the more content that a webpage has the greater potential for the page to rank for multiple keywords, webpages should contain a good amount of content with more than 500 words being a good benchmark for a regular page, and 1,000 words for blog posts.

The content should be rich with quality, original content - not containing "fluff" just to fill up the space. Having more content will also likely help the page to rank better for search queries as well as rank for more search queries.

Image Alternate Text

Images on page: 4, Images with alt text: 0, Percentage: 0%

0% of the images on this webpage contain alternate text description tags.

Alternate text descriptions for images allow visually impaired website visitors to still be able to understand the context of an image. All images on a page should contain a brief and relevant text alternative to what the image displays.

Internal Links

1. https://wiseuv.org2. /?s=20. fax:+1603-448-279923. sms:603-836-947224. sms:+1603836947225. sms:+1603836947226. javascript:void(0);

This webpage contains at least 1 link to another of the site's pages.

Internal links are links that redirect users to other pages on the same website. It's important that pages contain internal links to send users and search engine crawlers to other pages and content on the same site.

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